Acupuncture success story!
My patient's brain tumor is shrinking!
I just got a call from a patient I have been working with for 10 months. The story of how they ended up in my clinic is a particularly difficult one that started with a horrible response to the flu vaccine, five years of severe headaches that doctors dismissed as "nothing" and "anxiety." 17 doctors later, an MRI was finally ordered and 2 tumors had developed on the facial nerve for 5 years. After the removal of one tumor in brain surgery, the patient had left sided facial paralysis. Several months later, I began working on the case.
After the first treatment, the patient woke up with a severe nosebleed. I adjusted the treatment. After the second treatment, the patient had a huge emotional release. I adjusted the treatment again. After the third treatment, the patient was able to puff out the affected cheek.
Over the past year, I have used scalp acupuncture, facial acupuncture, electrical stimulation and points on the body to both wake up the facial nerve, improve sensation and mobility, as well as resolve the tumor. In Chinese medicine, tumors are thought of as phlegm and blood stagnation. There are two points that I have consistently used with the intention of shrinking that tumor. They are Stomach 40 to resolve phlegm, and Liver 8 to resolve blood stagnation.
In today's phone call, this patient let me know that last week's MRI shocked the western medical team, as the tumor had substantially diminished in size! A plastic surgery had been on the books for the patient's face, which the surgeons agreed is no longer necessary due to all the progress with facial movement.
The House Brackmann's scale is a way to gauge the severity of paralysis. Total paralysis is a 6 on this scale. This patient came in at a level 5, which is extremely difficult/ unlikely to come up from. Today, the new diagnosis is a level 3. This is the difference between severe and moderate paralysis. The likelihood of full recovery from a level 3 is HIGH!!!!
Acupuncture takes a while. It takes diligent effort on the part of both the practitioner and the patient to shrink tumors and resolve paralysis. When both parties show up for the task, all of this is possible and more!!!!