Habits are a form of behavioral addiction. In Chinese Medicine, we treat this with points on the ear that reset your organs, spirit and nervous system. The protocol is called "NADA protocol," standing for National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. Popularized in the 1970's by the Black Panthers in Harlem, this protocol is commonly used for addiction, PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia & stress.
This can treat behavioral changes such as overeating, overthinking, smoking, staying in a toxic job or relationship, starting a new exercise routine, etc. We pair this protocol with other points on the ear and the rest of the body based on constitution, presentation & desired effect. I also spend a good deal of time exploring the root of the behavior with you & finding alternatives to meet the underlying need.
Ready to make a big change? Let yourself be supported fully in a difficult process. Send me a DM & we'll get you scheduled