Last September I began giving fertility treatments to a woman wanting a child. This past Tuesday I gave her a treatment to induce labor. Her pregnancy has been a hard one, with devastating nausea, developing gestational diabetes, sciatica, and being on partial bed rest for so much of it. The last 3 weeks she has been having contractions without her cervix dilating. She has a hospital induction scheduled for Saturday and is hoping that she can have her daughter at home before this.
I brought 3 4 leaf clovers that I found here in Vermont, one for Mama, Papa & baby. I brought a shell from the North Branch River to invite her waters to break and flow. I did points that dilate the cervix and increase uterine constractions. I also used electrical stimulation on these points. Then we sang songs about water, about rivers flowing to sea, about the ocean never refusing a river, about coming from the water.
She was holding a lot of fear throughout thus pregnancy so a big focus was unwinding this fear. I called the baby's guides into the room and the mama's guides in. They all said the baby wasn't ready yet and I explained the situation of being born at home versus the hospital. They seemed to get it and get partially on board.
The contractions did get stronger, the baby did drop lower down. She did dilate 1 cm. She pushed her hospital induction to next Wednesday. We are deciding when I will come down again for more acupuncture to invite this baby in.
Stay tuned!!!