So many of my patients, especially women, feel blown off and misunderstood by their western doctors. Women are often told to lose weight, or that they have anxiety, instead of receiving the medical care that they need. People with chronic illnesses have lived with the chronic disappointment of the western medical system. Again and again I hear people's journeys that *finally* change when they *finally* find a doctor who actually listened to them and the *healing* part of their journey could begin, rather than the frustrating journey of misdiagnosis and disrespect.
For many, this healing journey starts when they find Chinese Medicine and begin the long and rewarding process of unlearning western beliefs about the mind, body, heart and spirit existing in isolation from one another.
People who live with chronic illness have had to become extremely brave, strong, discerning, tenacious and intuitive. They develop deep levels of self awareness that often bypass those who do not face such physical obstacles to day to day living.
Although I went to Traditional Chinese Medicine school, my patients are my greatest teachers. They are the experts on their bodies. From them, I learn about new conditions *and* tricks for living with them. I share these tips with other patients living with chronic illness as appropriate.
Our job in the health care industry is to get the best care possible to all of our patients. This cannot be done within an outdated power dynamic. We are here to *facilitate* healing. The patient is the expert, their body is the healer.